Mites & Bed Bugs Repellent Multi-Purpose Spray (300ml)


Made in Hong Kong. Patented Nano-technology

  • WHO recommended repellent ingredients
  • Effective up to 30 days
  • Up to 90% mites and bed bugs repellency*
  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor furniture and objects, such as handbags and backpacks, home textiles and fabrics, bedding, sofas, wooden furniture, and wall coverings.
  • Suitable for children above six months and adults to use
  • Hypoallergenic and nonirritant ^
  • Hong Kong research and manufacturing
  • Recipient of the Geneva Invention Award
  • Patented Compound Formula, Reducing Insect Antimicrobial Resistance

*Tested and proven by New Mexico University
^ Complied with OECD and cosmetic standards

  • SGS Texile Tests
  • OOECD Oral Toxicity Study
  • OECD Acute Eye Irritation Study
  • OECD Sensitization Study

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