柏橋生物科技消毒抗菌濕紙巾-80片裝 (全新升級版)
柏橋生物科技消毒抗菌濕紙巾-80片裝 (全新升級版)
- Kill 99.99% bacteria and virus*
- Antibacterial up to 12 hours**
- (NEW)更濕潤更柔韌
- Gentle formula for kids
- (NEW)2倍蘆薈精華及維他命E
- Free of chemicals such as fragrances and preservatives
- Biodegradable
* Lab test proved the effectiveness of killing 99.99% of common bacterial and virus including Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans.
** Proven the result by under specific test conditions in Laboratory. Experimental data is for reference only.
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